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Pauline and Lin started doing 1N 3 months ago with their 10 year old Connemara x TB, Sam. Three years ago Sam was diagnosed with allergic airway disease following a viral infection. Despite treatment and careful management Sam continued to have breathing difficulties (double respiratory movement and heaves) that were at times distressing and even life threatening.
“Completing endurance set speed ride in June and no ill effects and then training days attended are things we would not have even contemplated this time last year. Great isn’t it! Mates at the yard can’t believe how well he has improved both physically and mentally over the past 3 months. We are now accompanying others out on forest rides and hacking regularly, which we would not have done before due to Sam’s breathing difficulties. Its difficult to believe that what you can see is happening and how quickly progress was made even though Sam has had a few set backs due to outside interventions ie annual jabs, picked up virus from field. He is still continuing to improve and this winter will tell us more.
Pauline and Lin, Hampshire, UK
October 2007
Equine Breathing is an astonishing, impressive and powerful healing method. It has certainly done a lot for Skruven (20 year old Shetland pony). And in a very subtle way it also does a lot for those who use the method on their horses.
Ulrike Hermelin, SHP Sweden
April 2007
First of all thank you very much for your extremely interesting lecture. It all makes so much sense to me. You see, I have been practicing Hatha yoga since almost 20 years now, and have also been doing pranayama - breathing techniques. This morning I trimmed a couple of customer horses . One of them, a six months old filly has really been a problem - very insecure, hopping and fiddling around all the time. After almost giving up I thought that I'll try 1N on her. And it worked! I am so impressed! She immediately became relaxed, almost fell asleep, and for the first time I could lift her hooves and trim them in peace. She did not once pull them away from me. I did it on the other horses as well, and they reacted with lots of snorting, runny noses, yawning and, well, actually farting! I would like to learn everything about the technique, as soon as possible. Do you give courses?
Ulrike Hermelin, SHP Sweden
November 2006
Although Miss Galena was in very good shape, there were still some problems that we never could solve. Because of her stomach and gut problems , she was a bad eater. Furthermore she was a medium wind sucker , always reacted very irritated when groomed or saddled and had a permanent nose rash . Miss Galena has a heavy working schedule so we decided to implement it on a very extensive basis, monitoring her carefully and keeping her under close supervision of my vet. Within a couple of weeks we already saw some noticeable improvements: Her fitness improved and she seemed happier and was more attentive at what was going on. Her recuperation time after a heavy training was faster and also her heart rate went down more rapidly after a cross country. In Holland the horses heart rates are checked before and within 10 minutes after a cross country, so I was able to document this improvement: before I started the breathing programme, she had a heart rate of 72 to 75 beats per minute, 10 minutes after finishing a cross country. Now she had around 60. Furthermore her nose rash vanished, she reacted less irritated when groomed and saddled and even her wind sucking seemed less. After about 3 months the most astonishing result started showing itself: her eating improved. Miss Galena always had trouble digesting the high quality food that is ideal for a high performance. Now slowly she started to eat more and more and she also reacted impatiently and hungrily during feeding time. I can fully conform that even a strong and healthy horse can benefit from equine breathing.
Mies Kloos
September 2006
Equine Breathing has undoubtedly helped Jack. I know the head shaking symptoms would, at times, have shown themselves in a more severe manner if I had not been doing Equine Breathing. The symptoms so far this year appear to be less severe and less frequent. When they are present I am able to lessen them or even to stop them by doing 1N . 1N is definitely effective. I feel this has to benefit every horse with or without problems, the relaxation alone is great. If you can relax your own mind it can give you a peaceful rest too. I have no hesitation in saying it is worth the effort. I would certainly recommend it to others, particularly those who have tried and failed with more conventional methods as at that time they are usually more ready to take on a larger commitment. It makes you think it is almost too simple to be effective. People ask - if it is free, can it really be any good. YES it can and YES it is. But you need patience and commitment. It's (Equine Breathing is) mystical to the non-science based average Joe! I am very happy with the overall results at the trial end. 1N has proved to me that it does work. My dilemma is not whether to continue to breathe – there is absolutely no question about my not doing so, I couldn’t allow Jack to go backwards, but how to better manage things so that I can continue with EB. I also want to start on my other cob. He is highly-strung and nervy, (the field boss!) I did a few minutes on him at the weekend and he relaxed really well. The obvious answer is to buy an Equine Breather.
Jacky, Wales
June 2006
Something I noticed today which I thought was quite amazing. I put the breather on Megan then worked on Cas cleaning her up etc and doing Equine Touch for an hour then put the Breather on her. There were a lot of horse flies about and she ran over to me in the field to get me to scratch her belly like she usually does but here is the odd thing. While she had the breather on she hardly swished her tail she did twitch her body at times but the strangest thing was that the horse flies went for me and Megan. Only the odd one flew round Cas and most didn’t settle on her. My conclusion is that when we are worried about something or get stressed then we give off some sort of scent which in turn attracts either danger or flies in Calico’s case. mind you Megan was the same when she had it on. Not many flies either.